A great experience. This score For Charlie St. Cloud found us at Fox Scoring Stage. When I walked the room before the session I discovered the original placement of the ‘Studio” orchestra back in the 40’s was in the “shell” area. The conductor podium was placed dead center of the room , with the orchestra from there to the back wall. Even before I learned this, when I approached this room I felt the need to push the orchestra way to the back. So I had my crew open up the areas seldom recorded in. The results were a fantastic liveness about the stage.
We mixed in my studio in Hollywood. The third film I have mixed there in the past few months. We did occasionally record separate brass and strings so I needed 3 rigs. One for the main orch and prelays, one for all the extra passes and one to print the 5.1 stems. Much of this score is Big Movie Music, sweeping themes, action sequences, and of course RK’s lively fun music side.
Charlie St. Cloud is a young man overcome by grief at the death of his younger brother. So much so that he takes a job as caretaker of the cemetery in which his brother is buried. Charlie has a special lasting bond with his brother though, as he can see him. Charlie meets up with his brother (Sam) each night to play catch and talk. Then, a girl comes into Charlie’s life and he must choose between keeping a promise he made to Sam, or going after the girl he loves.
An excerpt from the main title sequence: